The doors to the center are locked for security. All doors to the outside have push bars as required by the Fire Inspector.   In order to enter the building during school hours, visitors must have visual contact with a staff member and be admitted.  Solicitors and others unknown to the staff will not be admitted or have the door opened for them.

Children are only dismissed to parents or legal guardian(s), custodial parents in the case of divorce, or others with the written permission of the parent/guardian.  The registration form and emergency card list individuals who have permission to pick up the child.  We still require written notification if someone other than a parent is going to pick up the child on a given day. If notification must be made by phone, we will utilize caller ID or call you back for verification at a number listed on your registration form. The pick-up person will be asked for a photo driver’s license before the child is released.

A child will not be released to someone who smells of alcohol or appears to be intoxicated or otherwise impaired.